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Community Boathouse Project

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Dry Socks for Salem


We need your help. Rowing, dragon boating, canoeing, and kayaking require a different kind of dock and storage situation than motor boats need. In Salem there is a major difficulty for non-motorized water craft to use the available facilities because they are inappropriate. Like us on facebook, to help show your support which we will share with city council when we get enough support.


We want to build a boat house in riverfront park, and include a suitable dock in the project. Other community organizations haved joined us in this request.


If you would like to learn how you can help both finacially, and showing support beyond facebook, contact

Thank you.

Who Needs This Dock?

A big flat, wide, low dock at Riverfront park provides high capacity access for canoe, kayak, dragon boat and rowing classes. It would be easier and safer to launch out of the current (which right now is considerable) and away from jet skis and power boats (in the summer). Willamette University, Boys and Girls Club, Parks and Rec, YMCA, and Chemeketa CC could all use it.

Dry Socks!

Salem, Oregon has a HUGE resource for recreation running right through our city - the Willamette River. However, access to the river for non power craft such as rowing crews, kayaking and paddle teams is poor at best. We have two large docks, but neither is suitable for this kind of recreation. The docks are designed for power boats, and boat ramps have poor access for non power craft, if any.

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